Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer is ALMOST here!

We are getting excited about our trip up the coast this summer. Aunt Pat--here we come. The pool is already 80 degrees due to the warm weather, and Owen is ready to go! He has already donned his floaties and is prepared to dive in. These are my latest favorite pictures!


Kate and David said...

Ok....that boy melts my heart! Yay for summer, you guys are going to have tons of stories to tell about your time up the coast. Sounds like so much fun =)

Unknown said...

I second Kate, He is such a good looking dude. Sounds like summer is off to a bang, have a safe and blessed trips, can't wait to see pictures.


Lee said...

Oh my goodness...those eyes! Love him so much!!! You guys are gonna have so much fun!!! ENJOY!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!