Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

We had an adventurous Mother's Day weekend. I read about an event called "The Chocolate Festival" in Westways magazine which was taking place the Saturday before Mother's Day in Encinitas (By San Diego). It was in the middle of these "botanical gardens"--it sounded like the "perfect" spot for the ultimate "chocoholic". Well, the gardens WERE beautiful and the chocolate WAS yummy, but I think every other Mom in the world thought it was a great idea too, because it was packed out:). We had fun though, and Jenna got to make some great crafts--in addition to getting her face painted. We also went down to the beach for the rest of the day (those pictures are coming soon). Needless to say, Mother's Day was a hit! Time with family is ALWAYS the BEST gift! Jenna in the gardens
I thought this was a cool 'topiary' (?)

Owie in the backpack. He was SUCH a trooper! He loved the trip.

I was glad Pat offered to take on the backpack.

Jenna by one "Big 'Ol Cactus!"

Look! It's a Birdie in the park:)

Dad and Owen

Having a heart to heart:)

My sweet family

Jenna has to show off her hat creation.


Kate and David said...

Great family shots, but where are you silly? We love to see your face too =). I bet you were in heaven- chocolate and family, 'a few of your favorite things!' Glad to hear you had a great Mom's Day.
Heaven and Back- Kate

Unknown said...

Happy Mothers Day! I agree with Kate, your gorgeous face is missing from the photos but glad we could see all the other gorgeous faces in the Waters family. That is one huge cactus!
Love Micah

Jamie and Krista said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I can't believe how big Owen is getting. Happy Mother's Day!