Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, since school started, we have been BUSY! Here is a fast catch up:) Jenna Bleu is now a fourth grader, and I get to have her in my class. At first I was TOTALLY against the idea, but the first month has been so FUN! I never knew how smart and funny she really was--it is going to be a blessing for both of us, I can just tell!
Owen grew 2 inches over the summer--he is ALL boy! Cars, dump trucks, trains (still)--oh, and he can swim all over the pool on his own--no floaties!

We celebrated Rick Sanchez's 50th B-day!

Owen and I with Kelsey (niece) and Jake (nephew)

Susan and I

Step, Tim, and Andy


Jake is a sophomore in high school this year, and Kelsey is a sophomore in COLLEGE--okay, how did that happen?

Rick and I--Happy 50th Rick!

Our friend Carolyn who attends the home fellowship that meets at our house was baptised! Yeah!

The baptism at Forest Home was a BLAST! Pat got to deploy Roy off the "BLOB"

We also went to our church's Fellowship at the Park--In-N-Out Burger, ice cream, kettle corn, games, the park, Evan Wickam doing worship--what more could you ask for

Pat's tug of war team won, and so did mine--TWICE
Owie got to play with Malia

Life is good--God is good--we are BLESSED!

October is finally here!


Kate and David said...

LOVE that last shot....those two are such cuties =), so sweet. Things have gotten way too busy, we miss you guys. Your first day shots are way cute, (I didn't have time to think of taking a first day shot ;) awww well!

That jump thing looks awesome!! We so should have had one of those when we had the pond!!!! =) H&B

Lee said...

O MAN WE MISS YOU GUYS! Owie monkey is an amazing swimmer! Go Owen! I know things are crazy busy right now, but I am glad you get to enjoy the Bird in class and at home and looks like you are all enjoying the simple joys of life as usual! WE LOVE YOU and CAN'T WAIT to get together again hopefully soon!


Unknown said...

Far to long since I checked in with you guys! How fun for Jenna to be in your class and I can not believe Owen is so big. I am getting intiated into the world of Thomas...those things are pricey:) Glad you are having a blessed start to fall, thinking of you and missing you. Love, Micah