Last Saturday we participated in the "Relay for Life" cure for cancer walk. Our school had a tent set up for all of our friends who have battled, or are currently battling cancer. We raised money, and our "Early Act" club made bookmarks to hand out to the cancer survivors.
Pat was a good sport and did his part--hat and all!
This is the area that our friend Angela set up.
This is my friend and colleague Jennifer Seymour. She is battling breast cancer for the second time. It has spread into her bones and we are praying for God's healing hands and a miracle. She has four kids, and a wonderful husband (check out the shirt!). Jennifer is a k/1 teacher at our school.
Jen's family came to "roll her" around the track.
Jenn, Angela, and me

Christina came to help out too!
The "survivors" have the first lap of the morning. They walk around the sport park and we all cheer for them. It was pretty emotional this year.
Shari is our librarian and friend who battled breast cancer a few years ago.
Lauren, our principal, battled breast cancer twice.
I started a new club this year at our school called "Early Act" it is a community service club off of Rotary. We have done TONS of community service projects this year, and the kids have done an amazing job helping their school, community, and world! They have realized how important it is to GIVE!!!
San G., one of our middle schools, had twp giant ball that the kids could walk in. Jenna had a BLAST with her friends.

Thank you for posting these pictures. Wow...very cool. We will continue to pray too! Sundance is the BEST!
Great post Tracy! Made me cry a little... Jennifer Seymour and her family have been in our prayers for a while now (Rickys fam knows her husband). PRAYER IS POWERFUL!!! She sounds like such a strong lady! And has such a beautiful family... they continue to be on our prayer list! Love you ALL and MISS YOU!!!!!!
p.s. LOVE THE BRA SHOT ... haha!
Aww Sundance is the best....always so bright and full of fun! Love the shot of you and Jennifer....def the two crazies ;) I wish I would have remembered it was that weekend...I knew at one point when I subbed for Donnie, and then it slipped my mind when I started the star testing project. dangd'it. Miss Sundance and all of you.... H&B!
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