I am SO thankful for Kelsie! She has been such an amazing blessing to me! We have called her on the spur of the moment lately to watch Jenna and Owie for a few Bible Study nights and she always welcomes them with open arms. Both of the kids LOVE HER and so do we!
You are going to be one amazing mom Kels! Thanks for giving of your time, and for loving our kids so much!
We MUST thank Ricky too!

While Owen and Jenna played, Kels took about 200 pictures (no--I'm not exaggerating:0)

These are some of my favorites! The kids came back fed, bathed, and HAPPY!! They love Kelsie an Ricky's house!

Amy got to help out one evening too! You are another one of our special blessings Amy! We love you!

Amy's friend Shelby got in on some of Owen's flirt action

Owie LOVES otter pops

Kelsie, Jenna, and Owen

I LOVE this picture!

He got a hair cut after this one ;0

Owen LOVED playing with Kelsie's dog Sugar through the glass door. She would jump up on the door and her would CRACK UP laughing. This entertained him for quite awhile.
Thanks again Kelsie! I can't wait to return the favor in a few months!
That was such a sweet post... I have to say I think I am the lucky one when I get to babysit them. They are two of the best kids EVER! Love you all SOOOO MUCH!
Kelsie got some great shots of those two monkeys! It's not hard to take 200 pictures in one babysitting, they are too cute!
I love seeing you and Jenna most mornings subbing at Sundance...it is so much fun!
H&B Family!
I want to be babysat by Kelsie, pools and dogs sounds like a lot of fun.
Kelsie and Ricky are going to be wonderful parents.
That Owen just melts my heart!
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