My little man is turning 3 on March 3rd! We decided to have a little family get together on Saturday so Owen could open some presents. He was so excited and grateful for everything. thanks everybody! We love you!
Grandma gave him a Thomas backpack filled with little trains and a carrying case to take with him when we go camping.
He liked his cards too!
Then we took a break for a minute and the other kids got their party favors--clown glasses, noses, and punch balls--they looked hilarious!
Then it was back to opening more presents from Aunt Kel and the cousins! Thanks guys!

After that we got some family shots
Grandma and Uncle Rob (who was looking a little creepy in this picture by the way :))
Jerry and Char
Dad with the cousins (second?--right?)
or should I say "kissing cousins"?
Kels and Kel (are you glowing?)

OWIE MONKEY!!!! WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!!! Thanks so much for including us in your birthday celebration... we had such a good time. The food was DIVINE =) And Owen is just a crack up, loved his guitar playing by the end of the night! TALENTED AND GOOD LOOKING... Watch out ladies =)LOVE YOU ALL!!!
P.S. I think that "glow" might be from moving Kt and David =) I will let you know if I find out differently! LOVE YOU!
What a fun night we had. Thanks for such a dee-lish meal and much needed time with family!!! We are so thankful the Lord brought Owen into our lives, how did we ever live without that quirky, train lovin', vacuum obsessed, not too fond of sand, guitar playin', God praising, feet ticklin', joy screaming, big blue eyed babe of a kid =) ohhh I love him mucha!
'Tant tou' for turning the Big 3, Owie MO! We love YOU to H&B.
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