Pat and I decided to do "Converse Christmas Style"

The kids had a blast opening MORE presents...

Grandma got Jenna a 50
th Anniversary addition Barbie

Owen had a TOTALLY THOMAS Christmas for sure! Thomas trains, outfits, tracks, pillows, blankets, talking
Thomas....and the list goes on. We think we can open a Thomas store now.

Pat got a new gray sweater from Grandma, so we thought we would get a picture together.
Owie played with his Thomas

Uncle Rob and Aunt Lisa wanted to take some family pictures

Dad made prime rib for dinner

I don't think my Mom has aged in 20 years.

Pat playing with
The kids were cracking each other up as they patiently waited for dessert

Rob decided to take a rest after dinner, so I "wrapped him up"

Family time

What a wonderful, relaxing Christmas with friends and family--once again, WE ARE BLESSED!
What a great Christmas... wish we could have seen more of you guys!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH for Karly's gift... what a great idea! She loves it... boogies down to the music (We have taught her well with all our dancing moves Tracy, just like you taught us =) And your gift to us was such a cute idea... LOVE IT, and can't wait to have our "movie night out" LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!
Merry Christmas Waters family! I love the Elf dance, you are all so talented:) Glad you had a blessed Christmas with family! I have to agree your mom has not aged in twenty years. Love you all!
Cute Pictures...I love the famous Converse shot =) It was fun seeing everyone on Christmas Morn at your house! Thanks again for the In-n-out/movie combo....such a YUMMIE idea with an awesome poem!!! See you at work tomorrow...I'm Tillson!
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