Friday, November 28, 2008

We ARE Thankful!!!!!!!

Give thanks in ALL things...
We were able to spend Thanksgiving with Mom, Dad, Kel and the kids.
It was wonderful to spend time with family.
Kelsie is due in February and we are REALLY excited to see sweet little Karly Ann!
Our family LOVES to talk to the tummy:)

Cute Cousins!
We never miss a picture opportunity!

Grandma's kisses--their is nothing like them!

The girls!

Kel enjoyed feeding Owie chips and dip and whipped cream...we are starting him out right;)

Kate and David

What a FACE!!
Thank you Lord for our family!


Kate and David said...

You beat me to it=)!! We had such a great Thanksgiving with all you guys. So much yummie food, great family and a song for every part of the meal! We are so thankful for that time together!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful! love my beautitful family.