This Halloween was more relaxing than usual. We decided to go see Pat's dad, then go to Aunt Lisa's house for a quick trip around the block "treating" and dinner with the family. Thanks Aunt Lisa!
The Lindberg's came to visit too! This is Elizabeth and Gabriel with Jenna.

Owen was a BAT--we thought he was TOO cute! I can't believe he actually left his "bat hat" on all night.

Okay, this was my DAD's idea, not mine:)--enough said!
Kelsie's pregnant belly and Dad's well, not so pregnant belly--LOVE YOU DAD!

Kelsie made her own preggy 'Mummy Tummy" shirt for the occasion.

Okay--now THIS is BEAUTY!!

Some of our family

This is Ashley and Aaron's little girl Andi--too cute!

Owen and Andi playing

This was us in the morning before school. Jenna got to dress up as her "Favorite Storybook Character" the rest of us just did the orange and black theme. We LOVE ANY chance to dress up! We were so proud of Jenna because she actually read the Great Illustrated Classics version of
The Wizard of Oz and passed the test at school!! (FIFTH GRADE LEVEL!!--WAHOO Jenna!)

This video is for you Uncle Rob! We miss you !!
You all looked so cute for Halloween! Jenna you are the most beautiful Dorothy I have ever seen, and AWOOHOO on your reading...You are AWESOME! Little Owie Bat, what can I say you're too cute I can't stand it, love the ears ;). So glad we got to see you all for a bit on Halloween. Love Ya
What a great post!!! Jenna you look so cute dressed as dorthy and way to go smarty, that is one of my favorite books too. Owen is the cutest bat I have ever seen. We giggled when we say Ethan's costume, he reminds me of Rob and miss haley is just adorable. All of you look so great. What a fun halloween. Love you all bunches.
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