Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jenna Bleu turns 9!

Well, let me start by saying that this was Jenna and Amy's idea:) We had a BLAST! I LOVE MY FAMILY, and when I say family, I mean friends too because they are my family. Everybody got into the "theme" and the party was crazy. Thanks so much family for your help, craziness, and for being such great sports! I love you!!!Pat's camera takes MUCH better pictures, but I took the individual shots of the kids before they jumped into the pool. These are from my funky camera--there are better pics coming soon.
My 9 year old Birdie

Jenna and Richelle took a before party photo shoot

Okay, so God has blessed me with the most amazingly fun child! She has a heart of GOLD, and she is up for anything! She loves Jesus, her family and friends, and she has learned to serve others at an early age. I am so thankful for her and her positive, good natured style.

Here are the pics of our 80's gang:


Katie--oh yeah--she did this pose all night--Gotta love her!

Aunt Kel--rocked her outfit! Great bangs too!

Kels and Karly--BEAUTIFUL as always!


David--such a good sport in his "Vanilla Ice" ensemble

D.J. A-ME in the house!

Lauren B.






Lauren O.

Ethan rocked it as the only DUDE (kid) at the party


Hailey--you better watch out Rob and Lisa!

Me :)--DonYell was impressed that I could still do my 80's bangs!--OH YEAH!


Char and Jerry--Char actually looked so good in her outfit we told her to wear it to work. Jerry sported the ever popular neon green of the times.

Katie Fonda needed a little beverage after her "Let's Get Physical" workout

Strike a pose

Thanks for the fun times! More GOOD pictures to come!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun with Friends!

We had our friends Carmen and Luis (Carmen takes care of Owen during the school year) and Sara and her husband Fred over for spaghetti and swimming with their kids. We had a BLAST! I am SO thankful for SO many wonderful people who bless our lives. We are SO thankful!KK and Jenna having fun!
Owen is a swimming machine. He LOVES it when Dad throws him across the pool. He is such a good little swimmer already.

Fred, Freddie, and Sara. Carmen watches their boys during the school year too, and Owen LOVES them! They are like his brothers. It was so much fun to see all of them play together.

Carmen, Luis, and KK

Owie--growing up fast!

I love this picture of Pat

Pat and KK

Owen with his amor :)

Lukie playing with his tractor. It took us a while before we could get him into the pool :)

The gang--minus a few

Christian, Carmen's son, was our acrobat for the night. That boy was flipping on the trampoline AND into the pool.

Owie, Lukie, and Freddie--best buds

After spending Friday night with the Knox's and Arreola's, we had our home fellowship group over for a BBQ in Saturday.

Shawna and Terry gearing up for a game of "corn hole" (thanks Rob and Lisa for letting us borrow it!).

Maryann and I. Shawna and I don't want to brag, but WE WON!!! :) --but, not by much!

After dinner we had a mean game of Pictionary. Boys vs. Girls--oh, and by the way--girls won :). those who know my competitive nature will appreciate that. (again, only by one). It got pretty rowdy so we stopped for worship and dessert :).
You can tell the boys team was lively
The best were the husband and wife show downsWe also got the brother vs. sister competition with Vic and Carolyn
Lord, thank you SO much for our wonderful family!
We are grateful and thankful beyond measure to you for bringing all of these "cracked pots" together.