Yes, I know you are wondering...Pat was selected "Teacher of the Year" (TOY) at his school site. We went to a dinner to honor all TOY's and retiree's from the district. YEAH PAT! You touch the lives of SO many children--keep shining!

This is Pat and his former principal (gone wild)--it was a 70's themed party, so all the "administration" dressed up

Shawn (Pat's former principal, and Becky--his former vice principal)

My principal (Lauren) and I--"Dancing Queens"

Pat and some of his "teacher friends"
My brother Rob turned 40 on Memorial Day (appropriate, huh?)
My sister in law, Lisa planned a surprise party at my Mom's house. We had a BLAST! We ate Mexican food, listened to great music, caught up with family and friends, watched a video of my brother's life, and had Aunt Kelly's lemon bars--life is good!
Rob was surprised, and we are thankful he was born so we could have Aunt Kelly's lemon bars:)

We love you Rob! Owen had to make sure he told Uncle Rob "Happy Birthday".

I love this shot of
Kelsie and Karly
Kels and Amy--such beauties!

Rob and Lisa were worn out, but having fun!

Rob's best friend growing up was Tom. He and his fiancee showed up with is kids to share in Rob's milestone!

Grandma hanging out with the kids

Lisa's bother Brett and his daughter
Lisa and Amy

My beautiful Aunt
I learned a new game called "corn hole", well, I guess it isn't really new, just new to me. It was FUN! David would have played too, but he was too busy messing with his cell phone :)

Amy and I won, so we had to do a victory dance!

Tom and his fiancee
Here are the notorious close up shots

We think Kate looks like the little dog from the Grinch

Are you still considered "newlyweds?"
I managed to get into every crazy face shot,

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Pat and I are SURE we got the BEST picture of
Kar this time--look at that face!

Owen made the BEST looking cupcake! We all tried to get a bite, but he wasn't sharing with just ANYONE---

Dad--"No way Jose!"

Papa, "

Mom--"Oh YEAH!"

I am convinced that God gave me the BEST family
in the WORLD---I am BLESSED!