Christmas Vacation has BEGUN!
We are SO blessed to have the jobs we have. God has enriched our lives through our friends, colleagues, and students we have had the privilege of sharing our days with every year at school.
AND...with our WONDERFUL jobs come the blessing of frequent vacations!
SO--here is what we have been up to.
Pat and I made Christmas picture frames and ginger bread houses with our students before we sent them off to be with their own families for two weeks.

We went to see former students and current students in a production of "Beauty and the Beast"

Jenna and I went with Ethan and Uncle Rob to
Disneyland for Ethan's birthday--thanks Uncle Rob!

Jenna and I had to
show the boys how to "DO" Disneyland "Tracy Style":) I know you are laughing right now! We took it easy on them--first timers.

Jenna had to visit the hat store for pictures--poor Ethan!


Uncle Rob got the best score on the Toy Story "shoot 'um up" ride--go figure! Ethan had the best accuracy rate though!

We ended our trip at In-N-Out of course!

With Christmas only a few days away, we had our annual cookie decorating day

Jenna and her BEST friend
Richelle were on "sugar cookie OVERLOAD"--check out the video at the end of the blog.
Richelle made a plate to take to her family

Jenna ate all hers--just kidding!

Owen stayed in his pajamas all day and drank coffee and ate cookies--just kidding again.

Jenna and Owen making pictures together
Owie just being cute

Jack was excited we were home finally--can't you see it in his face?

Pat put the windows and the slider in the "not so sunny anymore

Aunt Don went with us to Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. Owen wanted the camera.

We got to hear my BEAUTIFUL friend with the most BEAUTIFUL voice sing my favorite song!

Jenna sand with the choir
Miah got a solo part and did a BEAUTIFUL job. I think she might follow in her Mom's footsteps??

Then we went
to Uncle Dave and Aunt Nay's house for a Christmas Eve present fest!

Aunt Nay goes a bit crazy with the presents, but the kids get SO excited!

Jake is growing into such a handsome man. He is
playing football in high school. Kelsey is in her first year of college at
Redlands University and is having a blast. She is also working at The Micah Hose tutoring kids. Dave and Nay have raised some AWESOME kids!

Christmas morning brought us to Owen's gigantic train set (Pat and I stayed up until 1 am putting it together. Well, actually, I gave up, but I stayed up with him:))

Owen was SO excited--so was Jenna. We thought we should have gotten her one too:)

Then everyone came to our house for our traditional Christmas breakfast feast!

Jenna and Aunt Don

The Earl girls

Papa enjoying the new "Fun Room"

Aunt Don and Jerry
Uncle Rob actually got a picture of us by the tree this year

David got Kate a new camera

And we all enjoyed our "Family Time"

Kel got Owen a fun Christmas tree ornament

We continue to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His amazing gift of salvation. Our hope and prayer in the coming year is that all of us would "draw ever nearer" to the REAL reason we celebrate Christmas. As
believers, our
CHRISTmas is EVERY DAY. We are thankful and we give GOD all the glory for the great things he has done in our lives.
"Though none go with me, still I will follow--no turning back, no turning back"