We had a busy Christmas season, but we are daily reminded that Jesus is EVERYDAY, not just to be remembered this time of year. Jenna was in Christmas performances at school and at church. She sang her little heart out and remembered her line for her church performance "He is the Healer" (amen!).

Grandma Sue and Papa came to see Jenna perform. Owen got into the worship too!

Charlene used her beautiful gift and sang one of my most favorite Christmas songs--Breath of Heaven. God is using her in a mighty way through her beautiful voice. The BEST Christmas present was when my friend of over 20 years gave her life to Jesus this season. The Lord is already doing awesome things in her life. I am SOOO thankful for His faithfulness in answering my prayers!

This is our nephew Jake (Pat's twin brother David's son)

Jenna and cousin Kelsey

Me and Donny K

We thought David and Katie already look like they are ready for a family. We will wait though:)

After Christmas morning brunch at our house, we continued our family tradition and jumped into the jacuzzi:)
We are SO thankful for so many wonderful friends and family. Pat and I feel like the most blessed people ever!